CHINA Young Chinese woman was found dead in her apartment. Her body was lying next to the bed and was already in a state of rigor mortis, which means that she had been dead for at least 3 hours at the time of the discovery. However, police investigators were particularly intrigued by the unusual position in which the body was found – she had one leg bent at the knee while the other leg was extended.
The most common reason for the unusual position of the deceased is muscle spasms due to an epileptic seizure. Less frequently, the body may also get into such a position itself in agony, when the brain ceases to control the muscles. However, it cannot be ruled out that she was murdered and her body manipulated posthumously.
In order to determine the exact cause of death, crime scene professionals must document all the details of her body and her apartment. A forensic autopsy will then be carried out, which is usually very detailed and performed by several highly experienced doctors at the same time.