Drunk driver hits Brazilian singer Adalto Mello on motorcycle

SÃO VICENTE, SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL – DECEMBER 29, 2024 Adalto Mello, a 39-year-old pagode singer, tragically lost his life in a traffic accident in São Vicente, on the coast of São Paulo. He was riding his motorcycle on Avenida Tupiniquins in the Japuí neighborhood around 2:38 a.m. when he was struck by a car driving at high speed. Security camera footage shows a white car overtaking another vehicle and colliding with the rear of Adalto’s motorcycle, propelling him into the air.

The driver responsible for the accident was identified as 32-year-old Thiago Arruda Campos Rosas. A breathalyzer test revealed that he had 0.82 mg/l of alcohol in his breath, more than 20 times the legal limit. Thiago was arrested at the scene and later had his detention confirmed. Initially, the incident was investigated as involuntary manslaughter, but after further investigation, it was reclassified as intentional homicide with eventual intent, indicating that the driver knowingly took the risk of causing death by driving under the influence of alcohol and at high speed.

Adalto Mello was a well-known artist in the Baixada Santista region, where he worked as a singer, composer, and physical education teacher. He leaves behind a musical legacy and a community of fans who deeply mourn his loss.

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 Date: 10/01/2025  Views: 1928  Comments: 1  Votes: 2

 Category: CCTV, Traffic accidents

 Tags: brazil, Men content, Videos

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