Funeral home staff prepare a deceased woman for burial

Video shows the professional work of the funeral home staff in preparing the deceased woman for her funeral. Although it is a job that is not often talked about, it is a job that is very necessary to the running of our society and also very demanding. Funeral home employees must be physically fit to handle heavy bodies, they must have knowledge of anatomy, they must have aesthetic sensibilities and technical skills to arrange bodies for funerals, they must have chemical knowledge to work with embalming chemicals, and last but not least, they must be very resilient mentally.

Notice the paper that is placed on the body slid under the clothes. This absorbent paper creates a protective barrier between the body and the clothes and prevents stains. Sometimes a plastic layer is also applied to protect funeral-goers from the smell. Strict standards must always be observed when handling a dead body.

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 Date: 10/01/2025  Views: 12481  Comments: 3  Votes: 5

 Category: Other

 Tags: boobs, funeral, morgue, naked, Women content

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