CAMBODIA – APRIL 18, 2024 Leakena was at first sight a devoted wife and loving mother of two children. But on the phone, she led a double life for more than two years, corresponding with one Lim Kineth. The content of their messages was erotic and romantic. She claimed to be single and promised him a relationship. But she never had any intention of leaving her husband and this was probably just to compensate for a few shortcomings in her marriage.
- Leakena 1
- Leakena 2
When Lim Kineth found out the truth, he got really pissed off. He traveled across much of the country just to find and kill her. When he finally found her, he jumped over the gate and began stabbing her furiously with his knife until she died. He then committed suicide by cutting his jugular artery.
If you’re thinking about suicide, please stop and recognize that your pain is not permanent, but this step would be. It may feel like there’s no other way, but there is hope, even if it’s hard to see right now. Your feelings are temporary, and with help, they can pass.
Talking about what you're going through might feel difficult, but it’s the first step toward healing. Don’t turn away from the people who want to support you. Life can offer more than what you're feeling right now, and the pain doesn't have to last forever. You deserve help, and it’s available.
If you need immediate help, please contact a helpline.