CALIFORNIA, USA 19-year-old male was hired to pain some rooms in his neighbours house, while they were going away on vacation. But as so-on as they were gone, decided to first to engage in erotic asphyxiation, while all naked and masturbating. In his anal passage he had deep inserted a green marker. And for the greater effect also putting a bag over his head, before putting a noose over it. Passed out and died likely very quickly. But still having enough time to ejaculate.
His dead body was found not more than 30 min. after his dead, when the married couple who hired him had to return back, because they forgot to take something with them.
Some people say that preventing oxygen from entering the body during orgasm causes much more intense sensations. But this is an extremely dangerous practice that kills people every day. If you feel the urge to do something like this, the best solution is not to do it at all and see a psychologist or sexologist. If you still want to try such practices, never do it alone. There must always be someone in the room who is ready to intervene in an emergency. If you don’t have anyone like that, you can ask an escort agency, for example.
If you're thinking about self-harm, please stop and recognize that this won't solve the pain you're feeling. While it might seem like a way to cope, it leaves lasting scars, not just on your body but on your heart as well. There are healthier, safer ways to manage your emotions.
Every wound you inflict is a cry for help. You are not alone. Reaching out to someone you trust can be the first step toward finding a way out of this dark place. You deserve kindness, support, and real healing.
If you need immediate help, please contact a helpline.