17 year old girl died from an overdose

MOSCOW, RUSSIA A first-year student of Synergy University made friends with a drug addict Pasha Technician (Паша Техник – a Russian rap artist) and was soon found dead in a rented apartment in Moscow: the girl had a terrible overdose.

Some time ago, Arina moved from Kirov to the capital and contacted a company of drug addicts.

A 17-year-old student lived with a girlfriend in a four-room apartment – friends hung out together and used substances. Pasha Technician often posted videos with the participation of these underage girls. They were very stoned. Several times the cars that the company drove were stopped by the police. All the relatives of the first-year student live in Kirov – they did not even imagine what kind of lifestyle the girl led.

On the day of the tragedy, Arina mixed alcohol, sedatives, powders and marijuana in a drunken frenzy, and later she passed away.

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 Date: 25/01/2024  Views: 9409  Comments: 3  Votes: 10

 Category: Accidents

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