Victims of Jeffrey Dahmer

MILWAUKEE, USA Jeffrey Dahmer was an American serial killer active from 1978 to 1991. He suffered from sadism and necrophilia. He was gay oriented, so his victims were mostly black men. He committed a total of 17 murders and was sentenced to 15 life sentences for 15 of them. On November 28, 1994, he was beaten to death by his fellow inmate Christopher J. Scarver.

When his apartment was searched, Polaroids of his victims were found. You can see some of them in the gallery. Among the photos, however, there are also shots from the crime scene taken by the police.

A Netflix series was made about Jeffey Dahmer. It is one of the most successful series of all time. You can find a link to it below.


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 Date: 24/09/2023  Views: 11337  Comments: 1  Votes: 6

 Category: Beheaded, Murders

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