Drunk shot his neighbors, his wife, and then himself

OUTCHALY, RUSSIA – JANUARY 13, 2019 Arthur I. came back home at 5 o’clock in the morning. He had been drinking all night with friends a few kilometers away from his village of Outchaly, near the border of Kazakhstan, in central Russia.

In a big state of excitation, he violently asked money to his wife to pay the taxi he had taken to come home. His young wife (she was 10 years younger than him) blamed him for coming so late and in such a state of alcoholic furor and a violent discussion erupted.

He then began to beat her furiously. The taxi driver approached, asking him to calm down.

Completely infuriated by this intervention, Arthur rushed in the house, grabbed his 12 gauge shotgun and started shooting at the taxi man. The thick mist of vodka in his brain didn’t permit him to touch his target. The taxi man, after crashing his car in a desperate attempt to fly away, managed to escape by foot.

Arthur’s wife took the opportunity of this episode to run away and went knocking to her neighbors door. I must say that they showed merciless and solidarity but it was for their sake.

Because Arthur ran to their house, broke the door and, at once, shot the couple of neighbors. The wife (the dead girl inside the house, on pics) died immediately from a chest wound. The man took a bullet, fell on the floor unconscious (he miraculously survived. Couldn’t find pics of him wounded).

At this point, another neighbor, an off-duty cop came to see what was happening. I think that these noises (shouting, breaking doors and shooting) weren’t unusual in this neighborhood, because he didn’t find useful to take his gun. And of course, Arthur shot him in the middle of the road, killing him (couldn’t find pics of him either.)

Nobody knows what Arthur had in mind at this point, but he tried to escape by car, taking his wife with him. The level of adrenaline and alcohol in his blood couldn’t allow him to go very far. He made 200 meters, got out of the car and, along a red wall, shot his wife in face, then himself (you can see his gun on pics).

People in the village say that Arthur was jealous as a tiger and that he regularly beated his wife.

The dead cop had three children. The neighbors had two.



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 Date: 17/12/2023  Views: 5383  Comments: 0  Votes: 3

 Category: Murders, Suicides

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