Brother of city councilman assassinated on the street

BELFORD ROXO, RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – FEBRUARY 23, 2024 The brother of city councillor Paulinho Juventude was executed by a group of hitmen in the São Bernardo neighbourhood near Praça Caramuru.

Security camera footage shows a group of hitmen waiting for him in a silver car. When their victim gets out of the car, they open fire. They fired more than 20 shots.

40-year-old Jorge Rodrigo de Oliveira Fernandes fell dead to the ground, his head blown off. He left behind his wife and daughter.

His wife, Tati Rezende, an influencer on social media, expressed public regret about the whole incident. She wrote: “I wish it was a lie. I can only ask God for the strength to carry on with life, having you with me now only in my heart. I will love you forever.”


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 Date: 25/02/2024  Views: 1680  Comments: 0  Votes: 0

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