MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO, CANADA – MAY 6, 1982 When 16-year-old Darlene “Dolly” Prioriello waited for a bus at a stop near her home, she had no idea she would meet her killer that day. She was on her way home from her boyfriend’s house when David James Dobson, 17, who was only a year older than her, pulled up in his car and offered her a ride. She declined his offer at first, but David convinced her and she got in his car.
David drove her to a deserted place next to a factory where he brutally raped, tortured and then killed her. Her corpse was found four days later in the typical state in which sadistic predators leave their victims. She had her legs spread and her vagina exposed. There was a safety pin stuck in her nipple. Her head was completely smashed in with a brick and showed signs of strangulation.
- David James Dobson 1
- David James Dobson 2
- David James Dobson 3
When the police began their investigation, Dobson sent letters taunting them and describing how he enjoyed his act. But the police were more capable than he thought and arrested him just two days after the body was found (six days after the murder). He confessed to everything under the weight of the evidence and was sentenced to life in prison. In 2007, he applied for parole, but it was denied.
What happened on that fateful day is best described by his testimony:
She had just left her boyfriend’s house and was waiting for a bus when the suspect pulled up and offered her a ride. The victim accepted the ride after the suspect got out of his vehicle and opened the rear door for her. He was able to verbalize her into his vehicle and take her to an isolated location, where he sodomized and raped her. This type of activity is appropriately described as organized. However, what followed were the activities of a classic lust murder committed by a disorganized offender.
The suspect provided police with the following confession. He stated that he had pulled into the back of the 600 Group (a factory) and then put the car into park. He stated: I then lunged at her over the front seat real quick. I was beside her and I started to grab her tit. I reached over and put my hands under her knees and pulled them up onto the seat so she was laying on the seat. I told her to take her pants down and she did. I spread her legs and licked her vagina.
Then I took my pants down and got up on her and screwed her. After I ejaculated I said that’s it and she asked if she could sit up in the front seat. I said sure and then said hold on a second and I grabbed her belt loop so she wouldn’t run away…While we were walking I said I had a present for her…I reached into the car through the open window and grabbed a brick from the floor. I looked at her and then hit her with the brick over the left eye. She screamed “oh no” just before I hit her with the brick and then sort of screamed in pain. I hit her one or two more times on the side of the head and then she fell down. Then I saw a bigger brick, so I put the small one down and then picked up the bigger one and hit her in the head about seven times. Then she screamed and said, “Don’t strangle me.”
Then I looked over and seen the board and picked it up and put it on her throat and applied pressure. I released it after about a minute and she sucked some air in and she was still breathing so I saw another board that was longer so I got it and held the end against her throat and stood up and leaned my weight on it. I did this for about 2 or 3 minutes. Then I let up and threw the board away and I grabbed her by the feet and dragged her over to the field. I was dragging her by her pant leg and when I got over there I noticed her clothes were pulled up around her shoulders. Her breasts were exposed and I could see her lighter and a safety pin. I leaned over and bit her right nipple, then I got the lighter and I pulled her jeans off to her ankles and I ripped her panties off and just tossed them aside. I used the lighter and singed her pubic hair.
Then I picked up the safety pin and put it through her left nipple. Then put the lighter to her right breast. I spotted a piece of wood with a nail in it and I put the board with the nail in it on her chest and hit it with my hand and drove the nail into her chest. I did this between five and seven times. Then I saw this big brick about 3 feet away and I picked it up and dropped it on her chest. I did this probably seven or eight times. She was still quivering at this time so I put the board with the nail under her neck with the nail up and pushed her head on it. Then I pulled the lumber jacket over her head and I got the big brick beside her head and then flipped it over her head. I stood up and urinated on her and then I left.
Oh, I forgot one thing, I remember the moon shining on her necklace, which was around her neck but was broken. I took it off and put it in my pocket and the lighter too. I walked over to the car and picked up the small brick and put it on the floor of the front seat. I got in the car and drove home. I got home about 12:20 (midnight) and I went right to sleep. The next day I got up about 6:00 A.M. and went to work between 7 and 7:30. On my way to work I drove [past the location where the murder was committed to get the name of the company].
When I got to work, I phoned information and got the name and telephone number of the company. I wrote it down on a piece of paper. I wrote out this piece of paper [indicating the evidence on the desk] as soon as I got to work. At 10:20 I phoned the 600 Group and spoke to a secretary and told her there’s a body out back, she’s been killed, call the proper authorities.
I told her my name was Fred Baker. I called back to see if the police had got there yet. I said, “This is Fred, have the police arrived yet?” The third time I called a man answered and I hung up. I called back again and said, “The future’s uncertain, the end is always near. And you’re gonna die too.” I hung up the phone then. I made another call a little bit later and I was trying to scare them, I had seen it in the movies. I said three sticks of dynamite set for 3 minutes. I think I said a couple of doors up. Then I hung up and called back about a minute and a half later and said, “Minute and a half to go.” Then I called up Mississauga News and the receptionist put me through to [name of the reporter].
I told him the girl’s name was Darlene that she was 17 to 19…At lunchtime I walked down the road and noticed the police cars at 600 Group. I asked one of the reporters what happened and he said there’s a murder but there’s not much information. I turned around and went back to work.
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