Dead young man with strong death erection

Case showcasing very strong “Rigor Erectus” (death erection). Victim was a 21 year old young man, who had used a long detachable electrical cord to hang himself, after his 20 year old male lover for the last two years had left him for another man. The only item of clothing on him were tight fitting and very short jeans shorts. The shorts were fully zipped. The body itself was hanging with toe tips almost touching the floor, with a very short stepping stool right next to him. On which the victim must have been standing before stepping down and hanging himself.

Two pics of his lover undressed were open on his laptop, put on a table very close to the hanged body and screen tilted up towards his face, so he could look at them while standing up on the stool and then hanging himself. On his cell phone were also found only a few hours old text messages, where he was writing to the 20 year old to reconsider breaking what they had together, since otherwise he does not want to live without him. Case was ruled a suicide.

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 Date: 26/02/2024  Views: 21090  Comments: 36  Votes: 25

 Category: Suicides

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