Drunk driver kills two people

JI’AN CITY, JIANGXI PROVINCE, CHINA – SEPTEMBER 3, 2024 Drunk speeding driver fails to control his vehicle, drives out of his lane on a curve and hits two slow-moving people on a scooter or bike. Both are thrown several metres into the air by the force of the impact and both die instantly. One of the victims is a young woman; the identity of the other victim has never been released. The accident was recorded by a security camera and its aftermath by several witnesses.

Drunk driver kills two people

Aftermath photo

Video 1 - CCTV Footage
Video 2 - Aftermath
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 Date: 03/01/2025  Views: 8425  Comments: 2  Votes: 4

 Category: CCTV, Traffic accidents

 Tags: china, Photos, Videos, Women content, young

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