Dude set his ex on fire on train platform

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – APRIL 8, 2024 A woman was doused with gasoline and set on fire at the Augusto Vasconcelos train station in the western part of Rio de Janerio. The perpetrator then fled along the tracks.

The victim was identified as 39-year-old Michele Pinto da Silva. She was taken in critical condition to hospital where she is currently fighting for her life. Doctors give her a chance of survival of only about 50%.

Michele Pinto da Silva

Michele Pinto da Silva

It later emerged that the perpetrator of this horrific act was her ex-boyfriend, 44-year-old Edmilson Félix do Nascimento. She ended her relationship with him about a month ago and he could not accept it.

Edmilson Félix do Nascimento

Edmilson Félix do Nascimento

Nascimento committed suicide by jumping off a bridge after the crime. Specifically, from the gigantic bridge that connects the city of Rio de Janeiro and Níteroi.

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 Date: 12/04/2024  Views: 11856  Comments: 1  Votes: 1

 Category: Fire, Murders

 Tags: boyfriend, brazil, girlfriend, Photos, Videos, Women content

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