Motorcycle crash in Russia left 3 guys dead, one of them beheaded

BARATAYEVKA, RUSSIA – MAY 1, 2017 A tragic traffic accident has claimed three lives. Two motorcyclists were overtaking a car at high speed but failed to notice a Renault Logan travelling in the oncoming lane, with which they collided head-on.

Both the two motorcyclists and the driver of the passenger car were dead at the scene. One biker ended up beheaded, the other with his head crushed and his brains splattered on the road. In addition, three other people were injured.

Video 1 - Dashcam 1
Video 2 - Dashcam 2
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 Date: 28/05/2024  Views: 6795  Comments: 1  Votes: 3

 Category: Beheaded, Traffic accidents

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