Naked prostitute stabbed to death

ACCRA, GHANA – MARCH 10, 2017 A 34-year-old guy was drinking alcoholic beverages at a bar with his friends. He met a prostitute named Tina. They ended up in his apartment together, where they fucked all night.

Naked prostitute stabbed to death

The guy

When he woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, he caught Tina stealing money from his wallet. Allegedly GH 120 (equivalent of $27). A big fight broke out.

Tina ran into the kitchen, grabbed a knife and tried to attack him. But he reversed the attack, grabbed a knife and stabbed her three times. Tina fell naked and dead to the ground.

He then went to the local psychiatric hospital where he reported her death. They advised him that he had to go to the police. He did it. He was arrested and charged with murder.

It should be noted that this story is the guy’s account and may not be based on the truth.

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 Date: 08/06/2024  Views: 47603  Comments: 12  Votes: 24

 Category: Murders

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