This guy sexually abused his own daughter and two other kids for a long time. When the cartel that controls where he lives found out, they couldn’t let it go unnoticed and had to punish him in an exemplary manner. They forced him to confess and cut off his head blindfolded. Then they dismembered his body and left a warning message by his remains. This is how the cartel establishes order.
We told you that your house is ours and here we are not going to blanket (cover) rapists, kidnappers, rats. Here we’re not going to mistreat children. We don’t make videos nor publications ourselves. If we’re here we’re going to clean house very well from those who are extorting the “charola” (it means tray but usually used to say the church offering bucket or government bag, idk a pile of money) you’ll witness soon we don’t give credit or 2nd opportunities to those with your sneaky behaviors. Now do things right, respect. My people, let the government do it’s job because we will all reap what we sow.