Man with sexual paraphilia, where he feels sexual gratification when in pain, especially when his gentitalia is deformed, has had many needles stuck into his penis. When he pulls them out, his penis bleeds. Based on his scars and deformities, it is clear that this is not the first time he has done something like this. His entire penis is cut lengthwise down to the scrotum.
Although it seems that the problem of this kind of masochists is not so serious because they enjoy it in their own way, it cannot be downplayed. In this case, it is a serious paraphilia where the individual is taking risks with his own health and even life. If you suffer from a similar paraphilia, do not be afraid to seek professional help.
If you're thinking about self-harm, please stop and recognize that this won't solve the pain you're feeling. While it might seem like a way to cope, it leaves lasting scars, not just on your body but on your heart as well. There are healthier, safer ways to manage your emotions.
Every wound you inflict is a cry for help. You are not alone. Reaching out to someone you trust can be the first step toward finding a way out of this dark place. You deserve kindness, support, and real healing.
If you need immediate help, please contact a helpline.