Woman gets her throat slit over debt

VIETNAM – MAY 10, 2024 The debtor thought that his situation would be resolved by liquidating the creditor. Armed with a knife, he broke into the house of a woman to whom he owed money and slit her throat. He immediately fled the scene and left the woman to die in a pool of her own blood. The security camera in her house captured her last moments. She died of massive blood loss. The perpetrator was 49-year-old Tan Phuc, who later committed suicide in the toilet.

//ADD INTO POST – JUNE 13, 2024: Thanks to unregistered user for adding one more photo and more info.

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Unregistered User

 Date: 14/05/2024  Views: 7630  Comments: 4  Votes: 6

 Category: CCTV, Murders, Suicides

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