Artist found beheaded man in front of his house

HAITI An artist and musician found a beheaded man in front of his house. He was left there by a local criminal organization. We also have a translation of the man’s speech into English, but unfortunately the translation does not make much sense.


I’m an artist, I make music, I’m not into fighting. neighbors shot a guy, chopped his head off and gave it to me. When I asked wtf am I supposed to do with this head? They said it’s because of my music. They said you make a good tune, we send you the head so we can make a party. They said I’m a bandit, a criminal and that’s why they send me the head. Can I really do this artist shit? They targetting me. Not everyone can do this artist shit. I’m about to release a kompa album ( traditional Haitian music) fanatics are out here doing this shit, I’ll delete my music.

Do you have more informations?
Do you have more photos or videos?
Can you provide us (better) translation?

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 Date: 20/04/2023  Views: 832  Comments: 0  Votes: 0

 Category: Beheaded

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