GUELAGUECHI, OAXACA, MEXICO – DECEMBER 14, 2022 Dead body of a young woman was found dumped by a dirt road in the Estibadores neighbourhood. She had three gunshot wounds – to the neck, jaw and chest. The identity of the victim was confirmed, her name was Adela Mía Cortés Varela. She was an online clothing entrepreneur.
Before her body was found, she shared a Facebook status asking for help. She wrote that she was in a taxi taking her to a strange location. But no one took the status seriously and most of her friends thought it was just a silly joke.
- Adela Mía Cortés Varela 1
- Adela Mía Cortés Varela 2
- Her last Facebook post
The police had another line of investigation besides the taxi driver. She was involved in a heated argument with a disgruntled customer who accused her of fraud.
The autopsy results on her body confirmed that she had no signs of struggle on her. Rape was also ruled out.