Murder of Robert Beckowitz

DETROIT, USA – JULY 17, 1982 33-year-old Robert Beckowitz was watching the TV show with his 21-year-old girlfriend Jeannine Clark and 37-year-old best friend James Edward Glover. Unexpectedly, however, James approached him from behind and shot him in the head. Then he stabbed him 83 times.

James and Jeannine probably prearranged this act. They had a secret love affair. After the murder, they had orgies together for 3 days, including Robert’s corpse. They took drugs, had sex, mutilated Robert and took pictures of themselves.

One of the photos shows Robert’s severed head resting on a chair as he shoves his severed penis into his mouth with his severed hand. In total, Robert was cut into 14 pieces, packed in bags and hidden in various places around the apartment.

When the effects of the drugs wore off on both of them, James decided to go to the police. Jeannie said that her participation was against her will and she never meant to hurt Robert.

Jeannie was sentenced to 6 years in prison for mutilation of a corpse. James was sentenced to 30 to 50 years in prison for murder and mutilation of a corpse.

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 Date: 09/03/2023  Views: 31482  Comments: 6  Votes: 22

 Category: Beheaded, Murders

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