Two couples executed on the street

CARUARU, BRAZIL – OCTOBER 10, 2016 Four people (two couples) were executed in Rua do Contorno on the night of October 10-11. Layvison Moura da Silva, 27, Jefferson Daniel de Melo Silva, 22, and Aldenize Pessoa Olimpio, 21, all died on the spot. The 4th victim, 25-year-old Julieta Pâmela Gomes was taken to hospital with serious injuries, where she also died.

A forensic expert said the victims were shot with a .38 caliber revolver and that based on the number of shots fired, there must have been at least two assailants. The robbery hypothesis was ruled out.

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 Date: 26/01/2024  Views: 4804  Comments: 0  Votes: 6

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