Bodies of two shot girls found in Brazil

FORTALEZA, BRAZIL The bodies of two young girls shot to death were found in a grassy area in the Mondubim neighborhood of Fortaleza, Brazil. Along with the photos of the corpses, screenshots from the video of the execution, which is blamed on the drug cartel, were also leaked to the public. Unfortunately, we do not have this video available. If you do, please use the “Add into post” button below. Thank you!

A short video before the execution

ADD INTO POST – AUGUST 10, 2023: Thanks to a non-registered user, we managed to get a short video, but it does not capture the entire execution.

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/ 5.

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Unregistered User

 Date: 26/10/2022  Views: 8037  Comments: 2  Votes: 4

 Category: Drug cartels, Murders

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