Female cop shoots dead an unarmed black man

DENVER, USA – AUGUST 5, 2023 A 36-year-old black man, Brandon Cole, attacked his wife in a wheelchair and aggressively assaulted their teenage son. Neighbors who saw this called the police to the scene.

After police arrived, he continued to be very aggressive and disobeyed police instructions. He made very suspicious movements and the officers thought he was armed. He then ran towards the officers and shouted “Let’s go”. That was when the female cop used her service weapon and shot him.

Despite all efforts to resuscitate him, he could not be revived. Cole was the father of three children, ages 13, 8 and 7. In the end, it turned out that he was not armed, but only had a black marker in his hand.

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 Date: 31/12/2023  Views: 6423  Comments: 5  Votes: 3

 Category: Police

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