Four executed teenagers

ARENÁPOLIS, MATO GROSSO, BRAZIL – JULY 27, 2019 Four young people, two boys and two girls, were found executed on a mattress under a tree. The two boys were identified as Lucas Mateus da Silva Julio, 18, and Alexsandro Figueiredo Vaz, 14. The identity of the girls is not known, but both are believed to have come from neighbouring villages.

All the victims were executed by a shot to the head at close range. Lucas’ eye literally flew out of its socket.

Alexsandro’s grandmother said that he had placed the mattress under the tree because he liked to spend time there with his friends. They often sat around chilling and drinking alcohol.

According to police, Alexsandro had several criminal records, including for murder. He often met shady people in the region with whom he committed crimes. The other victims were probably innocent.

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 Date: 20/05/2024  Views: 9645  Comments: 0  Votes: 7

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